She is changing the perception of beauty single-handedly

It was making her suicidal. She turned it into her strength. Read this amazing girl's story. 

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Harnaam Kaur
Here comes The Bearded Dame. Image credits: Urban Bridesmaid Photography

People know her as Harnaam Kaur, but she is much more than that. The Bearded Dame, Body Confidence Activist, Anti Bullying Activist, Beautifully Different, Queen Beard are just some of the synonyms this lady has aptly chosen for herself. A citizen of Berkshire, London, Harnaam was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome when she was just 11. Harnaam's body went through hormonal imbalance leading to the development of an uncommon amount of facial hair.

So much beauty! Image credits: Urban Bridesmaid Photography


In an interview with Rock N Roll Bride , she said, "I used to have my face waxed 2 to 3 times a week, and on the days I couldn't bare the pain I would simply shave." Though Harnaam came from a highly supportive family, she was bullied a lot (read, physical assault) during her school life. The pressure from the society and bullying turned too much for her to handle, so she resorted to self harm and developed suicidal thoughts.

She loves her stretch marks. Image credits: Urban Bridesmaid Photography

It's ironic though, what was killing her actually ended up making her stronger. She hit her biggest low when she was 16, and that was when she decided to turn her life around. "My bedroom was my only safe haven. I was hugely depressed. I remember sitting on my bed and thinking about taking my own life. But instead, as I sat there, I started to counsel myself. I told myself 'The energy you are putting into ending your life, put all that energy into turning your life around and doing something better," she told Rock N Roll Bride .

Seven years later, her confidence and acceptance of her beauty has won Harnaam numerous fans, more so, when her photoshoot with Urban Bridesmaid went viral. The internet bowed down to this fierce bearded bride whose eyes shone with self love and the realisation of her own uniqueness.

You are the only you that you have. Powerful! Image credits: Urban Bridesmaid Photography

Her message to the world is spot on, "Love yourself, YOU are the only YOU that YOU have."

You go girl!

P.S. That floral beard with the floral halo can give the most seasoned hipsters a run for their money.