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5 Adorable Mini Herb Gardens You Can Get That Will 100% Transform Your Kitchen

You'll finally have a fresh house and life.

Herbs have the most amazing smell and when matched with the right foods taste absolutely amazing. What could be better than rosemary with lamb, or basil on a bed of mozzarelle drizzled in olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

They add flavor and passion to a dish and even bring it to life. And even though there is nothing I love more than spreading fresh herbs across my food, let's be honest it can be costly and often go bad before we get a chance to use it all up. So what better solution than growing our own!

As gardening techniques develop and new inventions come alight on a regular bases growing your own herb garden couldn't be easier. So don't worry if you don't naturally have a green thumb these techniques are so easy it's as easy as child play.

1. Vertical Wall Pockets

Photo cred - Ling's Shop

These are fantastic for those of us lacking space and to ensure they are placed in the sunlight. They are also widely available can be purchased online. Available in different sizes, colors and just so simple. All you need is your pockets, soil and pre-potted herbs of course. Not forgetting to water them on a daily bases.

2. Herbal stacker planter

This is a great all in one package that can be purchased online. It can placed on a work top or even hung. Several options are available with different herbs, including a tea herb selection to make your own home made tea. You get to enjoy growing from seedlings and truly enjoy the fruits of your labour.

3. Miracle-Gro AeroGarden

This fantastic gadget doesn't even involve soil and guaranties germination or to replace your seedlings. A great option in a space where light is limited as it includes an LED grow light. The growth is also 5 times faster than plants grown in soil. It literally sets up in a matter of minutes. Just insert the Seed Pods in your garden, add water and plant food, and then watch it grow! Again conveniently available from AeroGrow online.

4. Aqua Farm

Why not kill 2 birds with 1 stone and go for the aqua farm, not only do you get a beautiful array of herbs but a wonderfully clean home for your fish. The fish waste feeds the plants and the plants clean the water, what could more low maintenance than that? The aqua farm combines a 3-gallon fish tank with a vegetable and herb grow bed into one closed-loop system that fits easily on any kitchen counter. Again with no soil and using the the Aquaponics system of just water. You can purchase it from Back to the Roots.

5. Tower Garden

Now if you are searching for a bigger project, in which you can grow both vegetables and herbs, but yet want still low maintenance and something that can fit in the corner of your kitchen, look no further than the Tower Garden available through this link. Using the technique of Aeroponics, which use water, liquid nutrients and is soilless, to grow plants to higher quality. Not only is growth rate higher than normal, but lights are available, and water is pumped by itself around the tower, therefore including a lower amount of input from you. This might be the more expensive of the options but definitely worth the investment, especially if you want your own vegetable and fruit garden too.

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