Shameless Hillary Again calls Benghazi Mom a Liar

Have you no shame, Hillary Clinton? In a stunning display of callous indifference to the casualties of her incompetent foreign policy as Secretary of State, the woman who claimed to have dodged sniper fire in Bosnia, in Wednesday’s CNN debate in effect called Patricia Smith, mother of Benghazi casualty Sean Smith, a liar. As Breitbart News reported the exchange:

RAMOS:  Secretary Clinton, on the night of the attacks in Benghazi, you sent an e-mail to your daughter Chelsea saying that al qaeda was responsible for the killing of the Americans, however some of the families claim you lied to them, the mother of the information officer. Listen.

VIDEO: Hillary and Obama and Panetta and Biden and Susan Rice all told me it was a video when they knew it was not the video. They said they would call me and let me know what the outcome was.

RAMOS: Secretary Clinton, did you lie to them?

CLINTON: I feel a great deal of sympathy for the families of the four brave Americans that we lost at Benghazi, and I certainly can’t even imagine the grief that she has for losing her son, but she’s wrong. She’s absolutely wrong. 

The woman who once claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary three years before he climbed Mt. Everest has uttered this slanderous attack on the character of the grieving parents of Benghazi before. Shortly before the New Hampshire primary, Hillary called the grieving Benghazi parents liars: As the Daily Mail reported

The Daily Sun, a newspaper in rural Conway, New Hampshire, hosted an editorial board meeting with Clinton on Wednesday. Columnist Tom McLaughlin recounted for her the claims of victims' family members who said she had told them a crude Internet video that mocked the Islamic faith was responsible for inciting the attackers who killed their loved ones.

Clinton has denied making any such statement, despite the accounts of four people. One, the father of a slain CIA security contractor, took written notes of her words.

'Somebody is lying,' McLaughlin told her Wednesday. 'Who is it?'

'Not me, that's all I can tell you,' Clinton replied, casting blame on the families.

No, Hillary, it is you who is the liar, an active participant in the Benghazi video lie repeated on five Sunday talks shows by then U.N. ambassador Susan Rice, by President Obama six times before the United Nations, and by you and the president to the parents of the dead in front of their son’s caskets. To them, your regrets about their loss fall on deaf ears. As Investor’s Business Daily commented last fall on how much Hillary’s regrets meant to them:

Not much, particularly to Charles Woods and Patricia Smith, parents of Ty Woods and Sean Smith, respectively, two of the four Americans murdered by al-Qaida-affiliated terrorists in an attack Clinton blamed on a video.

Clinton expressed no regrets for repeating the video lie to Woods in front of his son's casket as it arrived at Dover Air Force Base:

"Her countenance was not good, and she made this statement to me... she said we will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted," he told radio host Glenn Beck, adding that he "could tell that she was not telling me the truth."

As we have pointed out, phony scandals don't produce body bags. Smith testified before the House Oversight Committee about how President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Clinton, among other top administration officials, approached her at the casket ceremony when her son's body was returned.

"Every one of them came up to me, gave me a big hug, and I asked them, 'What happened, please tell me?' And every one of them said it was the video. And we all know that it wasn't the video. Even at that time they knew it wasn't the video. So they all lied to me."

It would be hard to believe that all the members of the families who were there all have the same faulty recollection of Hillary’s words. Kathleen Quigley, the sister of Glen Doherty, another fallen hero of Benghazi, in addition to Charles Woods and Patricia Smith, has also said that Hilary lied to the families:

'She knows that she knew what happened that day and she wasn't truthful,' Kate Quigley told the Boston Herald Radio's Morning Meeting on Wednesday.

'This is a woman that will do and say anything to get what she wants. I have very little respect for her.

'I know what she said to me and she can say all day long that she didn't say it. That's her cross to bear.'

One way to determine who is lying here is to ask who would benefit from lying. Patricia Smith, Charles Woods, and Kathleen Quigley have nothing to gain by lying. Lying won’t bring back their loved ones and it is hard to conceive these apolitical mourners of their dead would conspire to lie to hurt Hillary’s political fortunes.

Hillary, however, has an obvious motive to lie. The Benghazi attack shortly before the 2012 election didn’t fit the administration narrative that the war on terror was over and that al-Qaida was on the run. It endangered President Obama’s reelection chances and Hillary’s chances to succeed him. That is why she invented and propagated the Benghazi video lie and told it to the parents of the Benghazi dead in front of their son’s caskets.

Liar, liar, pantsuit’s on fire

Daniel John Sobieski is a freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Investor’s Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.               

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