5 Songs to Sing with your Toddler

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Jingle Jangle Jungle’s Guest Blogger Series
Week 38

Today's Guest is: Ankita of Lifestyle of a Professional

Ankita is a Working Mother, Lifestyle Blogger, Writes about anything and everything under the sun, compulsive dreamer, movie buff and eternal optimist! She loves to write and dreams of publishing her book one day.
Her blog, Lifestyle of A Professional is about her life and all the little things she does to stay sane! On this blog you will find lots of pictures she takes, stories about her five year old daughter, beauty and makeup related stuff and things that help her deal with a stressful professional job.

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Lifestyle of A Professional

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5 Songs to Sing with your Toddler

I have a five year old daughter. She loves music! She even remembers lyrics of songs that she has heard only twice or thrice. Not only that, she can recognise songs by the opening notes. At her age, it is quite remarkable. However, I am worried about the kinds of songs she gets exposed to. Recently, there was a very popular song in India that complimented a bride on being sexy. Though I was careful not to play that around her, I was shocked one day when she was singing it loud and clear. When I asked her where she picked it, she said it was in the school bus. Some older children were singing it. Once she finished the song, she did what I had been dreading. She asked me what sexy meant. I told her that it meant beautiful. I think she bought it since it was about a bride. But it is only a matter of time she will come across a song with more innuendos and profanity and I would not know what to do! In the meantime, I have made up a list of songs I taught her. We love singing these songs together and she sings them all the time.

Do Re Me from The Sounds of Music OST - She was taught this one in her music class at school. When she sang it for me, I realised that they had missed out the fun prelude. So I looked it up on YouTube and showed her the whole video. To my surprise, she loved the way the Julie Andrews ends the song, singing all the notes in quick succession. It is my daughter's favourite part.
Video: https://youtu.be/brt0KH8q-94

Do you want to build a snowman from Frozen OST - My daughter did not take to Frozen like millions of other little girls around the world did. When I showed her the movie, she treated it like any other and went about her usual business once it ended. A few days later she was constantly making a tick tock sound with her tongue. When I asked her what she was doing she said this is the sound the princess makes in the Ice movie. She then went on to sing the snowman line! This is a fun song that both of us enjoy together.
Video: https://youtu.be/V-zXT5bIBM0

Let It Go from Frozen OST - After the snowman song, I made her listen to the other Frozen songs. She liked this one the most. In fact she prefers this over the snowman song these days. There is a line in this song that goes, "the cold never bothered me anyway" that is her absolute favourite. She builds a pretend ice castle just like Elsa when she sings this song!
Video: https://youtu.be/L0MK7qz13bU

If you are happy and you know it – One of the first songs they teach in play school! I love that this is a song that prompts kids to move about. It is great for developing motor skills in little ones and a fun activity for moms and babies to do together. When I have had a long day at work or I am feeling low, I make sure to sing this and act it out with my baby. It is a sure shot mood lifter ☺
Video - https://youtu.be/uFiWEZcVFzk

Once I had the fancy - This is a song I had learnt back in school. It is supposed to be based on an African and is used to teach vowels to children. It goes like this

"Once I had a fancy,
To go to a foreign land.
I took a ship, a very old ship
And went to Zuzu land

And old man sat beside me,
In a cool and easy way
And when I said Hello to him,
This is what he said

Chickma Cha Oocha Poocha Chinaki Chollam Chu
Chicki Chicki Chollam Chinacki Chollam
Eeya Eeya Ooo
A E I O U"

I have been singing this to her ever since she was a baby. I would sing it to her when she used to cry and she would immediately keep quiet. This is one of the first songs I taught her when she began speaking simple sentences. She absolutely adores this song.

Thank you, Ankita, for being today’s Guest!

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