Tuesday 21 April 2015

My version of Stop pretending.... #makeschooldifferent @lowenESST

Thanks to Lousie Owen @lowenESST  I have accepted the Stop pretending.... #makeschooldifferent challenge

Here are my five statements to consider around learning and teaching:

1. Only the kids need to learn-
No matter what you know there's always more to discover about anything and everything.  If your class has more questions about the topic at the end of a teaching block then when you started that is a sign of success.

2.You can effectively teach a whole class by yourself- 
Good teaching requires a strong positive relationship with your colleagues and your students. Every one needs support from a teaching partner, Teacher-librarian and/or a Special Education teacher. Asking for support is a sign of strength not weakness. Transparency and trust are required.

3. All students can read the same novel at the same time- 
Just because you have a straight grade assignment it does not mean that the students are learning at the same rate. Learners learn when they are ready which isn't always on a predictable schedule.

4. Being a great talker makes you a great teacher-
Some of my favourite teachers were witty and engaging but I think my best teachers were great listeners. Talking less means that the students learn more and the more I listen the more I can help with the just in time support.

5. Expect great collaboration skills from your students when you don't collaborate yourself-
 If teachers don't collaborate then kids won't. We have to collaborate with peers so students see it in action and learn by example. They need to see that a collaborative effort like co-teaching requires patience, time and clear communication skills.  It's often a messy but rewarding process.  Successful collaboration draws the best out of all co-learners.

These are just some of the pretending we do in schools.  Sometimes we stay in a learning plateau because of the structures in place like age grouping that encourages the status quo. This year I have noticed that students and teachers who have adopted the growth mindset concept and have begun to use the Google Apps for Education programs are seeing learning in a collaborative environment as a beneficial and enriching experience.


  1. Love it, Melissa! Glad you could put in your two (five?) cents. #2 and #5 are my favourites.

  2. Ooohhh... I really like #4 and #5! We need to OWN these as educators...

    Thanks for participating, Melissa!

  3. Ooohhh... I really like #4 and #5! We need to OWN these as educators...

    Thanks for participating, Melissa!
