What Do Queer People Think About During Sex?

Your weekly LGBT wellness roundup.

Each week HuffPost Gay Voices, in a partnership with blogger Scout, LGBT HealthLink and researcher Susana Fajardo, brings you a round up of some of the biggest LGBT wellness stories from the past seven days. For more LGBT Wellness, visit our page dedicated to the topic here.

What Do You Think About During Sex?

What do people think about during sex? A new study looked at the thoughts of queer and non-queer people with and without physical problems that could make sex difficult. They found that across the board people with physical issues were much more likely than people without them to have negative or non-erotic thoughts during sex.

What Helps and Hurts Health Care for Young Trans Folks?

A new study looked at what helps or hurts when it comes to health care for young trans folks. The biggest barriers? Difficulty in accessing services. The health care system is difficult to navigate -- providers and staff not being trained to care for trans patients and need for good social support. The biggest helps? Trans youth are very resilient and adaptable.

LGB Not as Satisfied with Cancer Care

As if cancer wasn’t hard enough, a new study found that lesbians, gays and bisexuals (no T) aren’t as satisfied with their cancer care as straight people. Disparities like this are a big deal -- getting care that doesn’t meet a person’s needs hurts their chances of beating cancer.

How to Stop Hep A

Thankfully, serious outbreaks of Hepatitis A (a contagious and dangerous liver infection) are rare among gay and bi men thanks to vaccinations. But how many queer men need vaccines to keep that up? 70 percent or more, a new study found.

Pros and Cons of Coming Out of the Closet for Young LGBT

Coming out of the closet leads to higher self-esteem and less depression despite making LGBT students greater targets for bulling, a new study found. Surprisingly, urban youth experienced less violence than rural ones but were more likely to try to skip out on school to avoid harassment.

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