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Montreal's STM To Ban E-Cigarettes By 2015

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Montreal's STM To Ban E-Cigarettes By 2015

Photo cred - MichaelTO

E-cigarette smokers in Montreal will not be pleased to hear that by 2015, you probably won't be able to vap it up on the bus, metro, or anywhere within the STM public transit network. Announced by 24 Heures & JdeM, the STM plans to enforce a ban on all e-cigarettes within the, or by, next year.

Montreal's STM hopes to have their new e-cigarette ban in place by the end of 2014, which will prohibit the use of any e-cigarette on the bus, on the metro, or in a station, and anyone caught e-cig-smoking could be forced to pay a fine of $50.

Before anything goes into effect, the STM will need to get the e-cig ban approved by the Montreal City Council. In all likelihood, the e-cig prohibition won't be official until next year, potentially as early as January.

Montreal used to be a veritable free-for-all when it came to smoking e-cigarettes, pretty much because e-cigs were so new and no one had taken a stance against them. Now, several universities and colleges have formally banned e-cigs on campus (McGill, UdeM, College Montmorency) with the STM being the first public service to do the same. If the trend continues, e-cigs may be as unwelcome as regular cigarettes in Montreal.

Are you looking for more? Click here for Montreal Opens All-New Shisha Lounge Where You Can Watch Habs Games At >

For more on all things Montreal, follow Michael on Twitter @MDAlimonte

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