It’s exciting times at The Stoner Mom’s house. My husband has worked on establishing a ‘in house’ grow room for me, his darling wife. I don’t need to show how much money I spend on weed.. it’s too embarrassing. It’s a shameful amount I’m sure. But man, those days are OVER because the love of my life has made it his mission to grow weed for me. And fortunately, once that man decides he’s going to do something, it. gets. done. (Wish he’d decide to hang the hooks in the hallway like I asked 2+ weeks ago. Smooch!) 

I will have a proper tour in a forthcoming post. I know very little about the laboratory other than its ominous hum from the locked basement door. We have a large tent with a bunch of different strains, some lights, a couple plants being harvested, some drying, and a group of clones husband ‘made'(? grew? birthed?). All of this is in a finished basement utility room. Only the husband and I have the key and it’s a pretty large room. When we bought the house we both had the thought that it would be a great grow room, though we didn’t have formal plans to follow through until recently.

Here are how the lovelies are looking.

The Stoner Mom Home Grow

The Stoner Mom Home Grow


The Stoner Mom Home Grow

The Stoner Mom Home Grow

The Stoner Mom Home Grow

IMG_01The Stoner Mom Home Grow

The Stoner Mom Home Grow

Aren’t they so lovely? I can take zero credit other than being the inspiration for the grow. My husband is doing a marvelous job, every day is some exciting new stage of plant development. He’s taken it on like a beloved hobby, spending time each evening to cultivate his ‘girls’. And I must say having the fruits of his labor cannot be beat. I am a lucky housewife, this is sure.


The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.

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