You know that IUDs work—in fact, they’re more than 99 percent effective. But if the thought of having something inserted into your cervix makes you quiver in fear, maybe it shouldn’t.

A recent survey published in the journal Dove Medical Press found that women experienced less pain from IUD insertion than they thought they would.

Before getting the procedure, the researchers asked a group of 89 women at a sexual health center in the U.K. how much pain they thought they’d feel during their IUD insertion. On a scale of one to 10, the median pain they were expecting was a six. After the procedure, the researchers then asked the women (who were 32 years old, on average) how much pain they actually felt, and the median answer was a four—two points lower.

A four doesn’t sound so bad right? Granted, it’s not completely pain-free. Although IUD insertion is quick, it’s still a minor surgical procedure, after all. And most ob-gyns say that women will experience cramping, similar to what you get with your period.

Nearly half of the women surveyed had had vaginal deliveries previously—and interestingly, the researchers noted that these women experienced significantly lower pain than they expected (they only experienced pain at a level three, compared to the six they thought they would). The women who’d never given birth before, meanwhile, rated their actual pain level much higher (at a six) than the women who had given birth. 

If you’re thinking about getting an IUD and are scared about how much it will hurt, talk to your doc about what you can do to lessen your pain during the procedure. Some recommend taking a painkiller like ibuprofen beforehand, and in rare cases they can administer anesthesia.

More from Women’s Health:
9 Things You Need to Know About IUDs
Someone Live-Tweeted Her IUD Insertion and We Know You’re Curious
7 Reasons to Switch Your Birth Control

Christina Heiser
Christina Heiser is a health reporter and writer specializing in overall wellness, nutrition, and beauty and skincare; she has held previous staff positions at Women’s Health, Everyday Health, and Webedia.