Update to Mozu Customer Engagement Platform brings Vital Improvements

As brands work to keep up with a rapidly growing number of customer engagement channels, commerce solution platforms must also keep pace to provide these companies with the most cutting-edge tools. Cloud commerce leader Mozu is doing just that with its first-quarter service update, enhancing the platform to further streamline business processes and drive workplace efficiency.
Targeting the trend of digital engagement, especially with millennial shoppers, the update offers extensive tools for mobile shopping apps, as well as additional options within the platform’s Site Editor, allowing commerce companies to take full advantage of the opportunities found in digital engagement with younger shoppers.
Through the program’s Admin dashboard, users can manage content, promotions, product inventory, and pricing, giving them full control of their customer engagement and experience efforts.
Using push notifications, users of the platform will be able to interact with shoppers at a time and place that is most relevant to them. This kind of immediate messaging ability is a fundamental component of staying top of mind and driving engagement.
“Today’s retailers must engage customers with a connected digital experience that span devices and platforms,” said Kevin Sproles, CEO of Mozu, about the importance of omnichannel engagement. “In order to do this successfully, retail marketers need technology partners that support a complete digital experience but also provide the tools needed to efficiently customize and manage it.”
Perhaps most importantly, the newest update includes robust support for social media content curation. With more and more consumers looking to interact with brands through social networks like Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter, brands are scrambling to find ways to sort and analyze the immense amount of data coming through these new channels. Enter platforms like Mozu, which simplify the process without sacrificing the powerful tools needed to take customer engagement to the next level.
The significance of digital engagement cannot be overstated. With ecommerce giants like Amazon leading the way in digital storefront innovation, customers expect a seamless experience when buying products on any of their devices. With the new Mozu platform update, businesses are given improved tools to take aim at the moving target of customer engagement.

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