21 Famous Writers Reimagined As Puns

    Artist Timothy Taranto's illustrations of authors are absolutely punderful.

    1. Flames Joyce

    2. J. D. Snailinger

    3. Allen Tinsberg

    4. Fyodor Toastoyevsky

    5. Jorge Luis Boarges

    6. Chain Austen

    7. Salmon Rushdie

    8. Stephen King Kong

    9. William S. Burrows

    10. Denis Prawnson

    11. Marcel Prunest

    12. Saul Bellows

    13. Joyce Carol Oatmeal

    14. Roberto Bologña

    15. Philip Broth

    16. Jack Kerouwax

    17. Juneau Díaz

    18. T.C. Boiled

    19. Jennifer Vegan

    20. Manta Raymond Carver

    21. Bigmac McCarthy

    To learn more about Timothy Taranto's work, click here.