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Anyone who has spent time with a little kid knows how wise beyond their years these tiny people can be. We might think that as adults, we hold all the knowledge this world has to offer, but as the kids in this video prove, we’ve gotten a lot of things wrong. Especially when it comes to how we treat animals.

In honor of World Wildlife Day, these kids have teamed up with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to send a message to all the silly adults of the world who think it’s a “good idea” to harm animals.

Seriously folks, these kids are not messing around. They know that our track record with caring for the world’s wildlife is not the best, and they would really like it if their favorite animal species didn’t go extinct before they hit their teens.

The message is incredibly simple: we need to make a change. No more purchasing ivory or keeping exotic animals as pets. No more hunting wildlife into oblivion or holding wild species captive for entertainment! If we don’t turn things around, the only wildlife future children will know will be statues in museums. So let’s stop exploiting and start protecting, today!

To learn more about how you can help save the world’s animals in honor of World Wildlife Day – and every other day – check out the IFAW website.