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Boost Immunity with Inversions

To prime your body for winter health, try this gentle sequence designed to support the lymphatic system.

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wide legged standing forward bend with a block

If you’d just as soon skip winter’s colds and flu this year, you may want to spend more time on your mat. Tias Little, director of Prajna Yoga, believes a practice that includes supported and inverted poses increases circulation of lymph—a clear, watery fluid that moves through the body picking up bacteria and viruses and filtering them out via the lymph nodes.

Unlike blood, which moves as a result of the heart pumping, lymph moves by muscular contractions. Physical exercise, such as yoga, is key for keeping lymph flowing. The movement of lymph is also affected by gravity, so anytime your head is below your heart—for example, in Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand)—lymph moves into the respiratory organs, where germs often enter the body. When you return to an upright position, gravity drains the lymph, sending it through your lymph nodes for cleansing.

How to Increase Lymph Flow in Yoga Poses

In each pose, Little recommends resting your head on a support to allow your neck, throat, and tongue to relax fully, thereby encouraging the lymph to flow freely through the nose and throat. Hold each pose for two to five minutes, breathing deeply from your diaphragm the entire time.

Don’t wait until the first sign of sniffles to attempt this practice—by that point inversions could agitate both body and mind. Instead, use this sequence to build up your immunity throughout the winter and keep common colds at bay.

See alsoBoost Your Immune System with Self-Massage

Before You Begin


Take a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and breathe, focusing on lengthening the duration of both the inhalation and the exhalation over time. Visualize the skin around the throat, jaw, and mouth softening.


Practice 3 to 5 rounds of the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) of your choice.

After You Finish


Take Savasana (Corpse Pose), supporting your head on a folded blanket and releasing the arms and back fully into the floor.

Want more? Also try these16 Poses to Boost Your Immune System

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