It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt

Sadly enough, this is not the first time that I’ve heard that TotalBiscuit (John Bain) has received harassment and death threats. However, this time it´s probably an all-time record when it comes hate and harassment. In fact, this is what TotalBiscuit had to say about his recent online attacks:

“I am tired of the lies. I am tired of the faux morality. I am tired of your shame crusades. Take a good long look at yourself. The statement the first night of the controversy, that people like to conveniently forget about because it fits in with whatever narrative they’ve conjured up to make themselves feel better about their awful shaming and harassment” – TotalBiscuit, via Twitter

totalbiscuit twitter

I really hope that Totalbiscuit will be able to recover from all the hate and threats against him…

In-fact, It actually seems to be so bad that TotalBiscuit will stay away from social media for a while. And to be honest, I can´t really blame him for doing so. I mean, just take a look what Rowan Kaiser (The A.V. Club, Possibility Space) tweeted out about TotalBiscuit on July the 17th (Rowan saw red when TotalBiscuit was mentioned on ad) :

“For fuck’s sake, GOG.,”

“Tot*l Biscuit (sic) is not a popular, adorably controversial figure in gaming. He is a serial harasser who made GG mainstream.”

“No game company, no PR people, nobody should talk to or about him other than on those terms. When I was at ParadoxCon this year his name was said as someone who can sell games with mentions. I instantly felt worse about being there.”

“And, you know, I recognize that if your job requires selling games maybe he can be useful. But I don’t ever want to hear about him as normal.” – Rowan Kaiser, @RowanKaiser (The A.V. Club, Possibility Space)

Those’re some really heavy words right there. I mean, how can you even say such a thing in the first place? It´s about to get worse though, because according to TotalBiscuit himself, he has been called “Terrible subhuman piece of trash” And if you thought that was bad, then just imagine how it must be to have it like this 24/7. And that´s how things have been for him for a year now. So no wonder why Biscuit needs therapy to handle all of this crap. Like that one time when he was at the schema therapy center (where Biscuit received treatment for his cancer) and people just kept on sending him messages that they wished that he would die.


TotalBiscuit kept his spirit up even when he went through cancer treatment.

And just when I thought that things couldn´t possibly get any worse. I found out that people have also threatened John´s (Totalbiscuit´s) wife and child. And when I say “people”, some of them are so-called “social justice warriors” that´s crusading for justice. So what kind of bloody justice do they seek really? Because where is the justice and honor in threatening a man that´s clearly already suffering from threats and harassment? And is it justice to harass and threat a cornered man´s wife and child? That´s not justice. No, because it´s nothing more than a scumbag move, and an act of cowardliness.And no matter how sick or disgusting that may sound.That´s perfectly normal for lowlife scum, as they tend to have that kind of mind state.

Those who won´t turn their backs on Mr. TotalBiscuit 

I know that things look very dark and grim for Totalbiscuit, but his not alone in this (not by far). As he has a lot of support from fans, friends, family and his sponsors. Just take a look at what JohnTron and Jim Sterling (friends of Biscuit) tweeted out yesterday:


It seems like JonTron gets a lot of hateful comments and such as well. Seriously, How can you even hate JonTron in the first place?

jiim sterling

I´m glad to hear that Jim Sterling doesn’t care what other people think about his and TotalBiscuit´s friendship.

“I owe much to @Totalbiscuit. He’s a good friend even if we disagree and hash it out sometimes and even when folk order me to denounce him.”

“Some people think I’m a bad person for being John’s friend and they’re welcome to. Sorry, I don’t consider him the Devil.”

“I’m not saying he’s perfect either. We’ve had big arguments personally and publicly. But my personal friendships are mine to have.” – Jim Sterling, critic and friend of John Bain (Aka “Totalbiscuit”).

So even though these trolls, haters and social justice warriors try really hard to destroy Totalbiscuit´s carer (which has taken him six years to build) and life. There are plenty of people who are willing to back him up (like his +2 million subscribers on Youtube, and his 452K followers on Twitter for example). So no, Biscuit is not alone in this, not by a long shot.

totalBiscuit quote

Does that sound like something that a sexist” and “transphobic” person would say (write) ?

Truth sells, but who´s buying?

That´s also why I got really upset when I heard that he has been called a “sexist” and “transphobic“. Why? Because apparently you’re a sexist if you disagree with women (on one level or another). As for the “transphobic” part, Biscuit once joked about Tumbler and Otherkin´s (people who think that their animals stuck in a human body). Yes, you guessed it. People have taken stuff out of context, twisted and turned things around just so that it will fit their own agenda. Something which they then pinned down on TotalBiscuit. Just take the fact that Biscuit never focused on Zoé Quinn, nor did he share the “Five Guys Burgers and Fries” video (Rowan Kaiser on the other hand, is said to have done exactly that) Still, Biscuit got those things pinned down on him as well. That can also be said about the so-called “online harassment group” which Biscuit is said to be the leader of (it´s something which Biscuit has been accused of for the last couple of days). Here´s the truth though, all that Totalbiscuit tried to do was to improve Steam for its consumers and users.

And that´s all there is to it, as for the corruption and bad ethics in the video games industry. That´s battle that we will have to keep on fighting, because we´re far from home safe.

Harassment happens to both men and women 

Yes, that is another true (but sad) fact. As you got game industry women such as Jade Raymond (ex-Ubisoft Ubisoft and now EA producer), Amy Hennig (ex-writer writer for the Uncharted series) that has received quite a lot of harassment in their careers. That is terrible and unacceptable of course (with no doubt). However, this happens to men as well. Just ask Pewdiepie, JohnTron, or boogie2988 about it. As all three of them has received death threats, harassment and hateful comments. So it is not a gender-related kind of issue. No, it´s a matter of ass holes that acts like scum bags on the Internet. Just take the Youtube creator Thunderf00t for example. When his father was suffering from cancer people (mainly social justice warriors) took advantage of the Thunderf00t´s sick dad and used it against him. Hell, they (SJW´s) even tormented him when his father died just recently (stay strong man!).

So let’s face it. No matter which side you happened to be on, this is a huge problem that affects both men and women. And famous people like TotalBiscuit have to deal with this toxic 24/7. That´s also why I think that Rowan Kaiser is a hypocrite. As his in no position to talk about “harassers” and “harassment” when he harasses people (John Bain) himself. Live as you learn man. And when it comes to TotalBiscuit and the harassment against him. I really hope that John won´t allow this crap to eat him up from the inside. Nor stop him from doing what he does for a living. With that said, stay safe and take care John! 

“women are not the only ones harassed online” – TotalBiscuit (John said that around the 7 minute mark in his soundcloud clip “Enough”)

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John Bain gets attacked even though his cancer sick

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Robin “V-Act” Ek
The Gaming Ground
Twitter: @TheGamingGround

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