Feel exhausted all the time? These could be the reasons why

How to fight fatigue
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Feel the energy slump? If you're constantly tired, finding reasons not to exercise, aren't waking up feeling fresh, then chances are that there is an underlying medical condition causing it. Every so often, I'll have a patient tell me, “That lunch I've had was so heavy, I can't work, I just feel like sleeping.” Sure, an occasional heavy meal (and uninspiring long days) can be a cause for snoozing at our work station, but if this is a pattern, then you've got to look beyond food for a reason. Let's look at some conditions that can cause this low energy state:

Iron deficiency Too little iron in your body creates a cascade of problems that end up lowering your metabolic rate and your energy levels. Women need about 18mg of iron in their daily diet and men, around 8mg. Being low on iron can make you feel tired and faint and look pale. Include red meats, green vegetables and fortified foods such as breakfast cereals all of which are good sources of iron.

Vitamin C greatly increases absorption of iron, so a small cut of lean meat with spinach and lentils, washed down with orange juice (for better absorption), would be a great iron-rich meal, and it also provides proteins, carbs, vitamins and fibre. Some factors, though, hinder the body's ability to absorb iron. For example, tannins found in tea interfere with this process. And phytates, which are compounds found in some grains and vegetables—such as spinach, wheat, bran and nuts—can attach to iron and inhibit its absorption. Do see your physician before taking iron supplements.

Under-active thyroid I've had patients tell me, “Doc, I have been very active, but over the last few months I've become increasingly sluggish, low on energy and depressed. Why?” If this sounds like you, check your thyroid levels. An under-active thyroid is very often the cause for this. The good part is that it only takes a few weeks of medication to get back to normal.

Excess caffeine We associate coffee with a buzz, a beverage that's supposed to keep us ‘energetic' and ticking. Too much caffeine though, like three to four cups, especially in the evening, can cause insomnia. The lack of sleep will naturally lead to fatigue. A morning cup of coffee is good for you, but try and stop caffeine intake by about 3pm.

Sleep deprivation You need seven-eight hours of sleep per night. If you are not getting that, you will be fatigued. It's as simple as that.

Smoking Here is one of the ways smoking can sap your energy—for the body to produce energy, it needs to combine glucose with oxygen, but the carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke reduces the amount of oxygen available in the blood. Less oxygen=less energy.

Avoiding physical activity All of us at some point have said we don't have the energy to exercise and used that as an excuse—in reality, physical activity, combined with proper nutrition and sleep boosts energy levels and gives you a solid psychological boost as well.

Workplace stress In most cases, workplace issues like conflicts in the office, long hours, and work-related burnout are common causes of fatigue. Seek professional help if this is a chronic issue.

Vishakha Shivdasani is a Mumbai-based medical doctor with a fellowship in nutrition. She specialises in controlling diabetes, cholesterol and obesity