Charlie Crist = the seagulls from Finding Nemo

October 20, 2015

Has anyone else noticed how eerily similar Charlie Crist is to the seagulls from Finding Nemo?  All of those silly little seagulls just fly around obnoxiously screaming, “Mine! Mine! Mine!” looking for their next meal.  The only difference between those seagulls and Charlie Crist is that instead of screaming, “Mine! Mine! Mine!” looking for his next meal, Charlie does it looking for the next office he wants to run for.

Things didn’t work out so well for Florida the last time Crist somehow managed to get elected to office.  The state lost 800,000 jobs and saw unemployment jump from 3.5 percent to 11.1 percent.  Is that really the type of record FL-13 families want from the person representing them in Washington?

NRCC Comment:  “Floridians have consistently rejected Charlie Crist at the ballot box ever since he high tailed it out of Tallahassee when things got tough.  Under Crist’s failed leadership, Florida lost nearly 800,000 jobs and saw unemployment skyrocket 217 percent.  That’s not the type of person the families of the 13th District can afford to have representing them in Washington, and it’s definitely not the type they’re going to get.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack