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This Week's Top Downloads

Every week, we share a number of downloads for all platforms to help you get things done. Here were the top downloads from this week.

Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Monitor, the Screen You Stare at All Day

Many of us are stuck behind our desk and computer all day long, which makes the hardware we use quite important. Let's give some more thought to our monitors, with these ten tips for getting the most out of those screens.

Facebook Releases Facebook Lite, Drastically Reduces App Overhead

Android: One of the biggest complaints about the Facebook app is that it can take up too many resources, particularly on older phones. Which is probably why Facebook released Facebook Lite, a super lightweight version of its app directed at developing markets.

WiFi Map Is a Crowdsourced List of Routers and Passwords

iOS/Android: If Maslow were to revise his hierarchy, Wi-Fi would be down there by the base, right between psychological and safety needs. For those of you thirstier for Wi-Fi than you are for water, WiFi Map is an app that shows over 2.1 million Wi-Fi hotspots around the world.

uBlock, the Memory-Friendly Ad-Blocker, Is Now Available for Firefox

Firefox: The last time we highlighted uBlock, a fast and lightweight alternative to AdBlock Plus, it was Chrome only. Now the add-on is available for Firefox as well, and it works well, even though it's still in beta

Dreeps Turns Your Boring iPhone Alarm Clock Into an RPG

iPhone: You have a ton of options for various alarm clocks for your smartphone, but Dreeps is an app that takes a completely different approach. Instead of just waking you up, it wakes you and a character in a mini-RPG up.

LibreOffice Updates, Doesn't Look Like Crap Anymore

Windows/Mac/Linux: LibreOffice, has always been powerful enough to stand up against Microsoft Office, but it's also been a bit ugly and clunky to use. Today, they rolled out an update the overhauls the UI and makes it a lot more useable.

Vivaldi Browser: a Quick Look at the Opera Successor

Opera browser did a lot for the modern looks and feels of many browser: the speed-dial was its trademark, the performance was nice and it had a lot of features ahead of its time, like the built-in bittorrent, mail and RSS clients. A part of the Opera browser developments team was not very happy with what has been done to the "Big Red O" browser in recent years. Here's where Vivaldi comes on stage: a new browser that promises advance functionality right out of the box.

Charity Miles Donates Money to Charity Every Time You Run or Bike

Android/iOS: Fitness trackers are a great way to gamify your fitness goals and compete with others. If you're motivated by helping others, free app Charity Miles helps you earn money while you run or bike.

Mainichi Teaches You Japanese with Every New Chrome Tab

Chrome/Web: Learning another language can be difficult if you don't immerse yourself in it every day. Mainichi is a Chrome new tab replacement and webapp that teaches you (and reminds you of) everyday Japanese words.

Hopper Notifies You of Airfare Price Drops on Your iPhone

iOS: Hopper is an awesome site that helps you plan ahead on airfaire deals, but the new iOS app takes it a step further, notifying you of price drops and letting you know when to buy.